Power of my soul strengthens my spirit,
a new day, a new hope rises within.
I sit back watching the dew drops gleaming in the blue,
just like sweet surprises in my life keep the momentum continued.
Each day of week begins with a refreshing zeal like the colours of the rainbow,
celebrating life as if every moment is clueless about next - what to do.
Yeah, there are times when the coast of life's weather is covered with dark clouds,
and I am desperate, lonely waiting for the Guardian Ship to help me not to drown.

But That's Life, magical- surprising -may be unexplainable,
celebrating sweet moments and acting beyond our very imaginations.

P.S: Had written this poem 2 years ago I managed to find hidden somewhere , and these words still hold true....how about you!!!

Copyright ©2014 by Elvira Lobo- Its My Life
Disclaimer: The image(s) in the post are taken from Google. I don't claim any of its rights.

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