Baby, I waited this long for you to come,
Near this shore eager for my sailor’s welcome.
I drench myself in the cold waters of the sea,
Feeling your presence closer by me.

Baby, I waited this long to meet,
Anxious as I look for you dancing with my feet.
I take a deep breath each time a ship is seen,
Hoping that it could be yours ;that's where you have been.

Baby, I waited this long for you to arrive,
My heart skips a beat trying its best to survive.
I am so nervous and yet happy to meet you,
Excited about the moment when this turns true.

Baby, I waited this long to share my feelings,
With the one I wish that matters to me the most and is appealing.
I wake each day as I know you will soon find me,
Entering my life , being mine and making our love fulfill its destiny.

Copyright ©2014 by Elvira Lobo- Its My Life
Disclaimer: The image(s) in the post are taken from Google. I don't claim any of its rights.

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